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How long does counselling last?

Once we have met and we both have decided to continue to meet, we will discuss a regular meeting schedule. Usually this would be once a week but can be agreed at the initial visit.

You are free to end the sessions at any point and this can be raised at any time.


It is my job to check in on how the sessions are progressing and what your experience is of them.


I have experience working on a short and long-term basis.  Its such an individual requirement. You will normally know when you are ready to finish counselling and you and your counsellor will work collaboratively towards a final session.

What happens about cancelled sessions?


If you need to cancel a session, please notify me as soon as you can. If less than one working days notice is given, the missed session will need to be paid for at the full rate. The cancellation policy applies to holidays, any work commitments or illness. 


If I'm not able to make a particular session then I will give you as much notice as I can and will see if we can make alternative arrangements. Sessions missed due to your counsellor's absence will, of course, not be chargeable.

What happens if I am going to be late for a session?


If you are going to be late for a session, please call or text me to let me know (you can also contact the clinic on 01436  672677) wherever possible. Any session that commences after the appointment time cannot be extended beyond the agreed finish time.

What about confidentiality?


Confidentiality is vitally important in counselling. You need to feel you can trust the counsellor with very private thoughts and feelings.


Aligned with BACP ethical practice, I will have regular supervision where any aspect of the work may be discussed anonymously. I will not pass on any personal information about you or your attendance to counselling with others, unless you ask me to do so.



There are boundaries and limits to confidentiality in certain cases. 

Confidentiality may be broken if: 

  • If your counsellor becomes concerned that there is a substantial risk of harm to yourself or to others.

  • If your counsellor believes a child or protected adult is at risk of harm or abuse.

  • If your counsellor becomes subpoenaed to appear in court, then they will be required to tell the truth under oath.

  • If you share information about money laundering, drug trafficking or a proposed act of terrorism.

Should the need to break confidentiality arise, your counsellor would generally try to discuss the situation with you, unless the situation required immediate action to safeguard the physical safety of you or others.

What happens if I am in crisis?​


The Lomond Clinic is not a crisis or emergency service.

If you need to speak to someone urgently, please contact:

  • Your GP surgery, or

  • The NHS 24 hour helpline, by dialling 111 (open 24 hours a day, 7 days a week), or

  • The Samaritans, 116 123 (this number is free to call).

  • Young Minds Parents Helpline: 0808 802 5544 (Monday to Friday 9.30am – 4pm, free for mobiles and landlines)

  • For young people experiencing a mental health crisis: Text the YoungMinds Crisis Messenger for free 24/7 support.  Text YM to 85258.

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